Ritual Play Day – Brighton – 23rd November 2019

DATE: 23rd November 2019

VENUE: Energy For Life, 75 Sussex street, Brighton BN2  0HL  (Opposite number 72 Sussex Street). FREE parking at the venue!

TIMES: 1.30pm - 7.30pm

PRICE: £60.  Payment required in advance.Click here for details of how to pay.

Play is a powerful antidote to the demons of our modern culture…. Isolation, depression, lack of meaning and diminished social bonding. When we play, in fun and safe ways we bring back our impulse for life, and feel more relaxed and happy. It’s really fun too!

This workshop will involve warm-up games which can help to open us up psychologically and physically. When we remember how to play we relax, naturally start to feel more connected and safe.

Moat of the day will be based on "Ritual Play" structures. This is play which happens between two or sometimes more adults in a defined space with a defined time. We check in first to feel safe with body awareness and any boundaries. The space is there to invite us back into out natural impulse; our response to life you could say. Within agreed limits, anything can happen such as any gesture, any emotion, or sound but it's a non-verbal space.

Julia has lead Ritual Play days in Brighton over the last few years.  Some people are ready to "jump in", others have been tentative, and fearful. However everyone decided to try it, and most people were surprised at how good and natural they felt in coming back to fun and play. Everyone said they had a positive experience. Julia is also certified in The Wheel of Consent. Aspects of this will be present during the day; boundaries, limits, consensual agreement. 

Ritual Play is also a place where we can feel and express our authentic feelings, through the non verbal, such as body, movement and sound. This may include longing, tenderness, erotic sensation and all manner of human feeling.

Ritual Play was created by Marina Kronkvist, You can find more about this on her site www.ritual-play.com Julia  previously trained at Ritual Play with Marina in Holland, and will have completed the Ritual Play Practitioner training before this day in Brighton. . 

Do feel free to contact Julia for any other information about this fun day. julia@heartnova.com